In this course, you will learn that the world of Social Media revolves around you—your actions, decisions, and interests. You will examine how Social Media has evolved and how your digital footprint makes a bigger impression than your physical one.
Major Topics and Concepts
- History, purpose, and evolution of social media
- Ethical and Legal practices
- Certificate of Authenticity
- The Internet Authority
- Red Flag
- Recognizing Truth and Accuracy
- Social Media Identity
- Psychological Effects of Social Media
- Dealing with a Cyberbully
- Getting Personal with Social Media
- Online Persona vs. Reality
- Logic vs. Emotions
- Influencer or Follower
- Head vs. Heart
- News, Consider the Source
- Perspective Matters
- Audience perception
- Social Media The Good, The Bad, The Ugly
- Six Degrees of Social Media
- Intention vs. Outcome
- Words of Wisdom
Fee Details
Regular : R 9166.66
Grade 9, 10, 11, 12